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Short Term Vacation Rentals

Historically, short term vacation rentals within the community have shown to be a substantial disturbance for the surrounding homeowners. When the CC&R’s were written for the Second Addition of Golf Club Estates vacation rentals, VRBO or AirB&B didn’t exist. As you are aware, the concept of short-term vacation rentals have increased dramatically over the past years causing Golf Club Estates to have to react to this issue, protecting the lifestyle and serenity within the community.


Bonner County is now requiring all short-term vacation rentals to apply and obtain a permit. This permit has to be re-applied for on an annual basis. See link FAQ's from Bonner County below.  For more information from Bonner County regarding short-term vacation rentals go to:  Bonner County - Vacation Rental (


If you are renting your home, a copy of the Bonner County Short Term Vacation Rental permit must be given to the ARB.  remember, a new permit is required each year, as it the copy given to the ARB.









The board has issued Guidelines for the current short term vacation rentals in the community.  See below.  This a quiet and close-knit community with many full time residents who have objections the disruptions that short term rentals bring.  Out of respect for your neighbors we ask that, if you are renting your home, you to adhere to the guidelines below.  Thank you in advance!

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